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Sunday, 7 October 2007

My Motion Graphic: First Lesson

The first lesson:

Thumbs up (y), i was expecting to use some fascinating software that you could out of nothing develop a stand still image/graphic that would turn into a graphic that interacts, i guess il leave that to the pro's and computer geeniuses! right now im using Adobe software to create a motion graphic, sounds fun but lets take a step back, i have to make a banner for a website advertising them. Quite funnily the software is like Flash MX with a twist its easier as it goes, and more fun too. Creating a web banner shoudn't be hard because the main points are to make attractive, true/false? Therefore i will be creating some sort of musical banner for a magazine, i'll let minds wonder as to which magazine i'll choose!

1 comment:

James Lockhart said...

Has Anyone Done Motion Graphics Before And How Far Have You Gone With It? When Did You Start?

Just Do It!