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Thursday, 18 October 2007

Viewing other web banners

I have come up with the idea so far of creating a web banner for RWD magazine, but i want to keep it simple. what innovated me to keep it simple was the web banner i saw on www.msn.com .(16th October 2007). i viewed two types of web banners; one was a basic promotion of a new Sony Ericson's phone. it had a simple purple background, minimal texts and relied mainly on the phone and images of pictures which were taken by the phone. it brief information such as the pixel quality, (5 mega pixels) and the name (k850i also known as the "cybershot").the other web banner was a stream of information which can be found on msn such as "msn news" "msn shopping". it did not rely on any motion graphic as such for e.g. opacity, scroll text or moving texts with effects, it merely relied on its name brand loyalty and important witty headlines,viewing this is actually making me think how i am going to do my web banner, who it is going to appeal to, why and were. i am now also considering the type of images to use, i may stick with the idea of "RWD magazine" but witnessing this is making me think how suitable images should be, how to use them and why.

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