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Monday, 26 November 2007

Change of logo design

before my tv logo looked like the one below, the problem is most of the logos don't have the name of the channel and it was unclear when i showed it people because they could'nt read "direct" they said it was unclear so i decided jus to use the initials "SD" it sounds effective and now the to letters need to actually look affective. i therefore hid all the layers except for the background and the dna strand by removing the eye icon in the layer area.

i then changed my idea by indeed giving it the initials "SD" i used two different fonts to enhance the logo more and making them seem seperate hence "science" and "direct". I used the dna strand and did the following: Layer>right click layer 3 (which was the DNA strand)>dubplicate layer>ok: and put it in the four corners of the new ident. i aslo selected layer>layer style>blending options: i then selected all the options such as drop shadow, inner shadow, inner glow and changed the opacity, angle of light, distance and size. this resulted in the below.

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