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Sunday, 16 December 2007

Programme Schedule For TV Ident

Guidelines and Deadlines

the deadline for this project should be finished by 29th December which is the last Week Of December. This means there would be 8 weeks for constructive work from October to December. below are the weeks in order to learn methods of teaching for the project

Week 1: First Ideas

Week 2 : Learning Techniques in after affects and thinkin about ideas of what to produce with the ideas

Week 3: final idea

Week 4: production of final idea in After Affects

Week 5: continue production of final idea in After Affects

Week 6: tweaking up and showing friends the progress of the production

Week 7: finalise on finishing touches replay looking for problems or concerns

Week 8: export finished production

this is just basic guideline i do belive it wont be stuck to because things can change dramatically especially when changing ideas or finding problems that are larger than expected.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Name of the TV Ident

What is Science?

Definition: Especially, such knowledge when it relates to the physical world and its phenomena, the nature, constitution, and forces of matter, the qualities and functions of living tissues, etc.; called also natural science, and physical science.

Reference: http://ardictionary.com/Science/2235

when first thinkin about the idea of what is actually science immediately i thought scinece its all about Living tissues which relates to biology, i will just do something on animals and humans. Dwelling on it more i thought "maybe i could jus add some things on planets too".

my spider diagram (included in post entitled "uploaded by scanner") then included the following:

  • animals

  • dinosaurs

  • space

  • volcanoes

  • experiments

  • environment

i then went throught my ideas with my tutor and was encouraged to continue with the idea, the only problem was the whole notion of science wasnt pressent.

i then spoke to my friend who use to do biology and i posed the question "What is science"?

he replied and said science is based around three things, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. After he said this i referenced some sites to find out about finding images for the three main elements of science.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

TV Idents Past And Present

here are just a few i came accross that really did amaze me.. the first one did becuase it is very old and doesn't exist anymore but i do remember it as a youth, the seocnd one which is bbc2 and was very interesting because it wasnt very long but it was still effective and the ident of "2" was present at all times so it gave you notification and association to the channel at all times.

Just Do It!