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Saturday, 15 December 2007

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What is Science?

Definition: Especially, such knowledge when it relates to the physical world and its phenomena, the nature, constitution, and forces of matter, the qualities and functions of living tissues, etc.; called also natural science, and physical science.

Reference: http://ardictionary.com/Science/2235

when first thinkin about the idea of what is actually science immediately i thought scinece its all about Living tissues which relates to biology, i will just do something on animals and humans. Dwelling on it more i thought "maybe i could jus add some things on planets too".

my spider diagram (included in post entitled "uploaded by scanner") then included the following:

  • animals

  • dinosaurs

  • space

  • volcanoes

  • experiments

  • environment

i then went throught my ideas with my tutor and was encouraged to continue with the idea, the only problem was the whole notion of science wasnt pressent.

i then spoke to my friend who use to do biology and i posed the question "What is science"?

he replied and said science is based around three things, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. After he said this i referenced some sites to find out about finding images for the three main elements of science.

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