Welcome To Ape Designs My Blog That Dedicates A Blog To
Motion Graphics Look Throught The Page. Comments Will Be Much

Thursday, 25 October 2007

The Urban Look?

by doing this motion graphic i want to make it set apart from the rest and give it the urban look, when talking about urban look, i want to give the youth and young adults a relation to it this is why the images are important, news to catch up with there latest idols and favourite stars. the motion of the graphic will also matter, will it go fast or slow or be attention seeking? these are thigns i will have to look for, also the readers will be people mainly associated with the grime scene, it is a new genre which has been around for nearlly 5 years. RWD is most famous magazine to have all the grime news and new america us news. This is a magazine were it happens first and wins with exclusiveness.


Today the class presentations took place. Turn by turn everyone got up to explain what they have been working on all this time and how thet intend to finish it up. Everyones project looked really good . when it was my turn i explained the target audience which would be potentially be people starting at 10/11+ gender being both male and female. the place were it can be viewed, urban independant record shop, it can also broaden the horizon to put them in mainstream musical stores with the enegry that grime is comming of with. I then showed what i have done so far. Generlly overall i believe everyone was inpressed or liked what they saw now i just have to finish it! I got a few hints and tips on how to make it better is what i intend to do now!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Choosing The Colours

What Colours To Choose And Why?


I will be choosing colours for the following things:

  • The Background

  • The Text

  • The Boarder

  • Special Colour Affects

The type of colours used determines the type of mood the web banner takes i will do some primary research on banners to generate a specific colour it deserves. i will also conduct secondary research to see what information i can find out about Web banners.

Monday, 22 October 2007

What Images/Text And Why?

images are very important this means that they have to be right! I decided to go on http://www.rwdmag.com/ to read some news and gossip and see who is always in the headlines, this will be a good start because i can see what people are in the music genre. i can also see what the main features of the website is such as what they have to offer as a urband online magazine.

RWD magazine has:

U.S News



Lifestle: fashion and education

Features: interviews and about to blow

Audio: mp3's and streaming

blogs:behind the scenes

Community: forums

Tv: interviews and music videos

Shop: downloads and tickets

Media skills: DNA Mix and C.O.N.E.L

Looking at this it is evident what i ned to entice potential visitors and existing visitors of the website to focus upon, the interactivty they can have with the site, a web banner is all about what the website has to offer detailing little information and onece clicking taking you into bigger field i.e. the website. this means i will have to incorporate urban icons, fashion, mixtapes all in the web banner

Note: make sure the banner is big enough to get this information accross to the reader, and think about how.

Research images of music today part 2

Here are my results from looking on the RWD website, i jus though id show just the ideas and motifs that im trying to come out with at the end my web banner.


Urban U.K. Lyracist: Kano

Grime Star Legend - Scorcher (mixtape)

Last but not least front cover of urban magazine fantabula "RWD"!


the big problem was kano, he props up in the last bit of the web banner which is not what i wanted and also were is the recognition that it is a RWD banner although you can tell from the esence of urban it has something to do with the underground music or signed artists. it is a swf file and blogger does not suport this video format, i did e-mail my tutor and when i expoerted it as quick time it worked fine

the other problem is that there is no sence of entising lure form the web banner itself, nothing to say "click me" i will be working on this in the future

Friday, 19 October 2007

Research- Images Of Music Today! (1 Half of first hand reseach)

I decided to do first hand research to see who are in the headlines and the main stars of individual genres RWD magazine features on, once i find this out, i will also conduct music on the best albumns and popular music. i will be buyin magazines to see how to make the advertisgin effective; i will look for images to get an idea


I went on BlackBoard an Academic suite set up by Kingston University. In Blackboard I Realised the sheer fact of good work. It has make me inquire seriously about my own work and if it will not only achieve a high grade but also if it will be professional! I really have tried to keep mine simple but will it be effective, I might have to draw up some more plans to improve my banner...



all on blackboard



Well at present I have finally come up with the idea while making this blog, Ive gathered its all about making movement and making it re-watchable logos will have to be made in Photoshop of course, its a motions graphics students best friends and i know how to use it so that's a bonus. I will consist this project around text/images moving in a specific order, the mood will most certainly be serious, the type of serious that makes u click! not wonder of elsewhere in the web world! My Logo RWD i created that, but its unfinished its a sample for now as part of the project, explanations/detailed analyses will be explored to show the step by step process of making something that will win and not loose!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

YouTube - Motion Graphics Inspiration

During this project ive looked for inspiration on websites such as YouTube and other factual motion graphic websites. Here is and inspirtational click i found on YouTube!

Photoshop ideas


finally i jus added some images of grime stars "skepta" and "JME" to the logo and used blending options to make dem blend in with the background im not going to keep this logo intentionally i aimed to keep it at the end of the motion graphics, preferably at the 7th to the 8th second. Now im not to sure

finally here i jus added more text "targeting the best in urban music" and "www.rwdmag.com

i removed the background vector by clicking the "eye icon" on photoshop this removed it completly but with the click of a button it can easily re-appear. I also included a rwd button with a cirlce and used blending options to give it that light outline shadow and to darken the rewind text and logo.

The target vector is still visible but i changed its opacity to give it a more defined look, and added a image in the background and blended it in with the colour.

It looked to plain so i reintrouduced the target but editing its blending options gave it a blurred watery effect.

I didnt like the target so i used contrast and colour fill, to make the backgroud black.

Above is a RWD logo with vectors and layering. I also used Blending properties and used shadows, this helped me to change the strength of the "RWD" by keeping the opacity at 100% and lowering the opactity of the target.

I decided instead of going straight to Adobe AfterAffects i should think about practising on photoshop first. Therefore I made a simple logo and thought about manipulation techniques. The main reason i done this was to use it and the end of the sequence to have all the information that is readable in a possiblilty of a 1.5 seconds. The first thing i had to think about was how to create the background. Layering is a specific tool used to do this correctly. I had to organise them in the correct order so that when they over lapped it would look correct. I believe Photoshop to be an accurate tool to use for logos because you can't go wrong. You can blend the background to your ideal needs, for example in this image above the text was red but notice the arrow that was layered is now hidden i removed its layer from the image for now to create the background. In total i create 9 layers

Viewing other web banners

I have come up with the idea so far of creating a web banner for RWD magazine, but i want to keep it simple. what innovated me to keep it simple was the web banner i saw on www.msn.com .(16th October 2007). i viewed two types of web banners; one was a basic promotion of a new Sony Ericson's phone. it had a simple purple background, minimal texts and relied mainly on the phone and images of pictures which were taken by the phone. it brief information such as the pixel quality, (5 mega pixels) and the name (k850i also known as the "cybershot").the other web banner was a stream of information which can be found on msn such as "msn news" "msn shopping". it did not rely on any motion graphic as such for e.g. opacity, scroll text or moving texts with effects, it merely relied on its name brand loyalty and important witty headlines,viewing this is actually making me think how i am going to do my web banner, who it is going to appeal to, why and were. i am now also considering the type of images to use, i may stick with the idea of "RWD magazine" but witnessing this is making me think how suitable images should be, how to use them and why.

Lesson 3: Masking Techniques

Lesson 2 was missed, however During lesson i learnt about different types of masking techniques#

key information such as using these instructions:
pen tools
creating a mask
new layer:
colour black:
click ok
Time Line:
solid 1: click down: masks: transform:
Click subtraact: keyrframes while choosin the motion of the new shape created
Click Key frame start and finishing point and move the new shape
it will then move when you press play.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Final Idea

The final idea i chose was "RWD Magazine"
It is a "urban" magazine so therfore fashion, music and news has to be taken into account.

the following things i will finaly include in this





  • RWD TV



WWW.RWDSKILLS.COM another site of the original www.rwdmad.com

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Web Banner Research (Secondary Research)

Viewing this site gave me some valuable Factology about web banners and why they exist

First Ideas

Below Are A Few Ideas I thought Of And The Reasons Why

  1. Chelsea Football Club

  2. A New Film Released On DVD

  3. A Mobile Phone

  4. A Online Magazine

  5. A New Single Out On iTunes

  6. A Computer Console

  7. An Event For A Special Season i.e. Easter, Christmas

  8. A New Cartoon


Thursday, 11 October 2007

Teaching Programme Schedule


week: 1 - Introduction to the module and setting up after effects and concept development for project 1

week: 2 - introduction to After Effects Interface and preparing media for use in your projects

week: 3 - Importing Using Layers and the many ways of Tranformation

week: 4 - Using Text and Shapes

week: 5 - week of 22 Oct. Assignment 1 Presentations

Reading week: oct 29th

week: 6 - parenting

week: 7 - Using 3D effects

week: 8 - week of 12 nov. Assignment 2 presentation

week: 9 - compositing different layers

week: 10 - week of 10 dec. Assignment 3 presentations

week: 11 - compressing and exporting

Core text book reader

Ordered Core Text Of Amazon: Adobe systems incorporated,adbobe after affects. classroom in a book. adobe press. san jose.2002

others which will be purchased

Taylor, Angie. Creative after effects. Focal Press. London. 2001

Bellantoni, J. & Woolman, M. Moving Type Designing for Time and Space. Rotovision Press 2000.

Reference to websites




In this module I am expected to create 3 pieces of motion graphics. In this day an age motion graphics occur everywere, on your television set and personal computer, if ever surfing the internet it can be fair to say every second you would come accross a piece of motion graphic. Motion graphics are most evident in adverts and information without the reader of the text being effortless.

As part of this project I have to achieve finishing three motion graphic projects
each being different e.g. An Advertising Banner, A Television Channel Identity and a Title Sequence for a film.

I will be using after affetcs to show the creative development which will allow me to range production practices online for broadcasting and interactive models.

The Project Deadlines are as followed:

Project 1: 24th October

Project 2: 20th November

Project 3: 14th December

The Very final project will not be due until 24th January.

By the end of this course i should be able to use motion graphics software such as after affects properly and be able to understand the process of motion graphics, afterall if i do well in this i can progress to level 3.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

My Motion Graphic: First Lesson

The first lesson:

Thumbs up (y), i was expecting to use some fascinating software that you could out of nothing develop a stand still image/graphic that would turn into a graphic that interacts, i guess il leave that to the pro's and computer geeniuses! right now im using Adobe software to create a motion graphic, sounds fun but lets take a step back, i have to make a banner for a website advertising them. Quite funnily the software is like Flash MX with a twist its easier as it goes, and more fun too. Creating a web banner shoudn't be hard because the main points are to make attractive, true/false? Therefore i will be creating some sort of musical banner for a magazine, i'll let minds wonder as to which magazine i'll choose!

Just Do It!